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Dan Dai, Postdoc

Date:2020-04-06 ClickTimes: SourceLink:

Research Direction:The neurocircuitry underlying clinical symptoms of depression and its application on intervention

Education:Dr.Dan Dai received her PhD in neurobiology from Zhejiang University in 2017, with the research topic on the neuropathogenesis of depression. She was awarded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) to conduct research related to depression at the Netherlands Institute of Neuroscience for 2 years during her PhD program.

Research Experience:Dr. Dan Dai started her postdoc position at Fudan University and then Yale University after 2017, focusing on the neuropathogenesis and clinical intervention of depression with brain imaging data, clinical symptoms, and non-invasive brain stimulation methods.

Selected publications

  1. Dan Dai, Cheryl M. Lacadie, Sophie E Holmes, Cool Ryan, Chris Averill, Chadi Abdallah, Alan Anticevic, Irina Esterlis. Ketamine normalizes the structural alterations of inferior frontal gyrus in depression [J].Chronic Stress.2020 (4).

  2. Edmund Rolls#, Wei Cheng#, Jingnan Du#, Dongtao Wei#, Qiu Jiang#,Dan Dai#, Qunjie Zhou, Peng Xie, Jianfeng Feng. Functional connectivity of the right inferior frontal gyrus and orbitofrontal cortex in depression[J].Social cognitive and affective neuroscience,2020,15(1):75-86. (#co-first author)

  3. Dan Dai, Qiao-Chu Li, Qiong-Bin Zhu, Shao-Hua Hu, Rawien Balesar, Dick Swaab, Ai-Min Bao. Direct involvement of androgen receptor in oxytocin gene expression: possible relevance for mood disorders [J].Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017, 42(10): 2064.

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