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Wei Zhang, Research Fellow

Date:2020-11-16 ClickTimes: SourceLink:
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Research Interests:

  1. Investigation of the mechanism involved in cancer dural metastasis

  2. The investigation of the vital factors involved in the development of lung cancer leptomeningeal metastasis and targeted therapy


2014-09 to 2020-06, Fudan University, Institutes of Brain Science, Doctor, Supervisor: Prof. Gang Peng

2010-09 to 2014-06, Fuzhou University, College of Biological Science and Engineering, Bachelor


National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program, 31571067, The mechanisms of ETGP in the development of somatosensory neurons, 2016-01 to 2019-12, Completed, Participant


(1) Sijie Chen; Hefei Zhang; Fenghua Wang; Wei Zhang; Gang Peng*; nr0b1 (DAX1) mutation in zebrafish causes female-to-male sex reversal through abnormal gonadal proliferation and differentiation, Mol Cell Endocrinol, 2016, 433: 105-116.
Xinjian Wang#; Sijie Chen#; Wei Zhang; Yiyuan Ren; Quan Zhang; Gang Peng*; Dissection of Larval Zebrafish Gonadal Tissue, J Vis Exp, 2017, (122):55294.



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