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A two-factor hypothesis sexual dimorphism at hippocampal synapses.

Date:2021-07-19 ClickTimes: SourceLink:

Memory-related synaptic plasticity is sexually dimorphic in rodent hippocampus. J Neurosci. 38(37):7935-7951.

Although much has been learned about synaptic mechanisms of memory encoding in hippocampus, and there is good evidence for male/female differences in memory-related cognitive function, but the neurobiological basis for this sexual dimorphism is not understood.

Estradiol (E2) is the most prevalent and potent estrogen in brain, thus it is a possible target for studying the sex differences in learning.

Using ERα knockout mice, we show that the release of endogenous estrogen and the stimulation of ERα in female mice can facilitate learning and hippocampal LTP. By immunostaining, we find greater concentration of ERα in female synapses compared to males. In addition, in β1-integrin knockout mice, exogenous estrogen can rapidly increase glutamate release and promote LTP induction via integrinβ1 receptors.

Prev:A synaptic model proposed for extinction of memory.