Tao Wang

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Tao Wang Principal Investigator
Neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic regulation
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Dr. Tao Wang attended Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, and graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree in 2008. He received Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the Institute of Neuroscience (ION), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, in 2015. In his Ph.D. thesis, he focused on post-translational protein modification and the regulation of protein homeostasis in ALS. He carried out his postdoctoral work at Johns Hopkins University in the laboratory of Dr. Jiou Wang to study the molecular mechanisms of metabolic dysregulation in ALS/FTD. He joined the Institute for Translational Brain Research, Fudan University, as Principal Investigator in November 2021.

The metabolic decline is one of the most common features of aging, and it is closely involved in developing multiple neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), including ALS and FTD. Genetic mutation-associated or aging-associated metabolic decline can be a powerful mechanism to trigger defective signal transductions, intracellular stress build-up, and protein homeostasis collapse, ultimately leading to neuronal cell death in ALS/FTD. We will leverage multiple model systems to identify how the metabolic decline is induced in the process of ALS/FTD and through which pathways the metabolic decline triggers the molecular cascades of neuronal death.

Our recent research interests include:

1. Uncovering the underlying mechanisms and critical regulators for mitochondrial dysregulation and metabolic disturbance in ALS/FTD.

2. Elucidating the interplay between metabolic disturbance and pathological alternations during the development of NDDs.

Address:  Building B, Medical Research Building, 131 Dong

Postcode:  200032

Telephone/Fax:  021-54237056

Email:  wang_tao@fudan.edu.cn