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Learning-induced suboptimal compensation for PKCι/λ function in mutant mice.

Date:2020-05-05 ClickTimes: SourceLink:

Sheng et al reveals compensation for PKCι/λ expression by PKMζ in PKCι/λ cKO mice. In the early stage of LTP expression, a switch from PKCι/λ- to PKMζ-dependent molecular mechanisms was detected in PKCι/λ cKO mice. Notably, when cKO mice were challenged with more difficult hippocampus-dependent learning tasks, moderate learning deficits were detected, suggesting a suboptimal compensation for PKCι/λ’s function in PKCι/λ cKO mice. Thus, under physiological conditions, PKCι/λ is essential for hippocampal early-LTP and long-term memory (Cerebral Cortex 2017). Illustration in a review by Sacktor and Hell summarizes the main findings of this paper (left illustration; Science Signaling 2017).

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