Yichi Su

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Yichi Su Principal Investigator
Protein-based tool development and brain disease research applications
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Yichi Su is a principal investigator of the Institute for Translational Brain Research (ITBR), at Fudan University. He graduated from the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Peking University with a B.S. degree in Chemical Biology in 2013. In 2018, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley, under the mentorship of Dr. Ming C. Hammond. After that, he conducted postdoctoral research at Stanford University in Dr. Michael Z. Lin’s research group. He has published a number of peer-reviewed papers in high-impact academic journals such as Nature Methods, Nature Chemical Biology, ACS Central Science, and Journal of the American Chemical Society. Since October 2023, he has joined the ITBR, focusing on the development of protein-based molecular tools, with the aim to create highly efficient, precise, and non-invasive optical imaging technologies to drive innovation in brain disease research and therapeutics.

The brain, a marvelously complex organ, presents a myriad of challenges when it comes to investigating and treating brain diseases. To comprehend how a healthy brain operates and what goes wrong in brain disorders, it is crucial to provide a complete depiction of the intricate network of molecules and biochemical processes that span diverse brain regions and varying time periods. Molecular imaging, a well-established technique in biological research, stands as a valuable tool for uncovering the mysteries of the brain. To advance brain research, gain a deeper understanding of neurological disorders, and develop effective therapies, the Su Lab is focused on creating innovative ways to use molecular imaging in brain disease research. These efforts include:

Pioneering generalizable bioluminescent biosensor designs for brain disease research

Advancing multiplex imaging for brain research by innovating protein reporter systems

Advancing brain disease drug development through optical protein biosensors

Illuminating neurological disorders by probing abnormal protein behaviors with optical biosensors

Address:  Floor 2, Medical Research Building, 131 Dong'an Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

Postcode:  200032

Telephone/Fax:  021-54237056

Email:  yichisu@fudan.edu.cn