开发了多种新型光信号处理器件,包括时间透镜、时域波片和时域小孔等,其应用包括(1)光脉冲压缩,例如皮秒光纤激光器,见方向3;(2)光信号压缩和展宽,例如10 GHz和40 GHz信号转换,可提高光纤传输的效率。另外,目前超快光子模拟信号处理经常需要使用飞秒/皮秒激光器作为光源。飞秒/皮秒激光器具有大带宽,可提高系统性能,然而成本太高,降低了实际应用价值。我们的研究表明,可使用非相干激光器来替代飞秒/皮秒激光器,非相干激光器也具有大带宽,并且成本较低,可促进系统的广泛应用。
1. B. Li and J. Azaña, “Theory of Incoherent-Light Temporal Imaging Systems Based on a Temporal Pinhole,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, pp. 2758-2773, 2016.
2. B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “High-contrast linear optical pulse compression using a temporal hologram,” Optics Express, vol. 23, pp. 6833-6845, 2015.
3. B. Li and J. Azaña, “Temporal Imaging of Incoherent-Light Intensity Waveforms Based on a Gated Time-Lens System,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 7, pp. 1-8, 2015.
4. B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-light temporal imaging based on a temporal pinspeck,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 27, pp. 348-351, 2015.
5. B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Implementation of the photonic time-stretch concept using an incoherent pulsed light source,” Appl. Opt., 54(10), pp. 2757-2761, 2015.
6. B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Novel Temporal Zone Plate Designs with Improved Energy Efficiency and Noise Performance,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32(24), pp. 4201-4207, 2014.
7. B. Li and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-light temporal imaging of intensity waveforms,” Optics & Photonics News, Year in optics, p. 33, 2014.
8. B. Li and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-light temporal stretching of high-speed intensity waveforms,” Optics Letters, 39(14), pp. 4243-4246, 2014.
9. S. Chang, S. Lou, B. Li, and B. Han, “Parametric modulation to extend the aperture of the time lens based on electro-optics modulation”, Acta. Opt. Sin., pp. 65-70, 2014.
10. B. Li, M. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Linear optical pulse compression based on temporal zone plates,” Optics Express, 21(14), pp. 16814-16830, 2013.
11. B. Li and S. Lou, “Elimination of Aberrations Due to High-Order Terms in Systems Based on Linear Time Lenses,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31(13), pp. 2200-2206, 2013.
12. B. Li and S. Lou, “Time-frequency conversion, temporal filtering and temporal imaging using graded-index time-lenses,” Optics Letters, 37(19), pp. 3981-3983, 2012.
13. B. Li, S. Lou, and Z. Tan, “Two kinds of optical pulse compression approaches based on cross phase modulation,” Acta Physica Sinica, 61(19), 194203, 2012.
14. B. Li, Z. Tan, and X. Zhang, “Simulation and analysis of time lens using cross phase modulation and four-wave mixing,” Acta Physica Sinica, 61(1), 014203, 2012.
15. X. Zhang, Z. Tan, B. Li, and X. Sheng, “An optical-to-analog conversion technique based on temporal magnification,” Optical Fiber & Electric Cable and Their Applications, 6, 26-29, 2011.
16. B. Li, Z. Tan, and X. Zhang, “Experiment and simulation of time lens using electro-optic phase modulation and cross phase modulation,” Acta Physica Sinica, 60(8), 084204, 2011.