Yang L, Fang F, Wang W.X, Xie Y.L, Cang J, Li S.B. (2025). Substantia Innominata Glutamatergic Neurons Modulate Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Male Mice. Anesth Analg 140(2), 353-365.
Tyree, S.M., Jennings, K.J., Gonzalez, O.C., Li, S.B., Nicholson, J.R., von Heimendahl, M., and de Lecea, L. (2023). Optogenetic and pharmacological interventions link hypocretin neurons to impulsivity in mice. Commun Biol 6, 74.
Piñol-Ripoll G, Lima M.M.S., Li, S.B.*, Targa A.D.S.* (2023) Editorial: The underlying relationship between sleep and neurodegenerative diseases. Front. Neurosci. 16:1117265, pp1-3, *Co-corresponding.
Li, S.B.*, de Lecea L. (2022) The brake matters: Hyperexcitable arousal circuits in sleep fragmentation with age. Clin Transl Med 12 6, pp 1-4, *Corresponding author
Li S.B†., Damonte V.M.†, Chen C., Wang G.X., Kebschull J., Yamaguchi H., Bian W.J., Purmann C., Pattni R., Urban A.E., Mourrain P., Kauer J.A., Scherrer G., de Lecea L. (2022) Hyperexcitable arousal circuits drive sleep instability during aging. Science 375 838, eabh3021, pp 1-14, †equal contribution,
Owens-French J., Li S.B., Francois M., Townsend R.L., Daniel M., Soulier H., Turner A., de Lecea L., Münzberg H., Morrison C., & Qualls-Creekmore E. (2022) Lateral hypothalamic galanin neurons are activated by stress and blunt anxiety-like behavior in mice. Behavioral Brain Research 423, 113773, pp 1-10
Bertocchi I., Eltokhi A., Rozov A., Chi V.N., Jensen V., Bus T., Pawlak V., Serafino M., Sonntag H., Yang B., Burnashev N., Li S.B., Obenhaus H.A., Both M., Niewoehner B., Single F.N., Briese M., Boerner T., Gass P., Rawlins J.N.P., Köhr G., Bannerman D.M., and Sprengel R. (2021) Voltage-independent GluN2A-type NMDA receptor Ca2+ signaling promotes audiogenic seizures, attentional and cognitive deficits in mice. Communications Biology 4:59, pp 1-21
Li S.B.*, Borniger J.C., Yamaguchi H., Hédou J., Gaudilliere B., de Lecea L.* (2020) Hypothalamic circuitry underlying stress-induced insomnia and peripheral immunosuppression. Science Advances, 6:eabc2590, pp 1-13, *Co-corresponding.
Li S.B.*, Borniger J.C., Yamaguchi H., Hédou J., Gaudilliere B., de Lecea L.* (2020) Hypothalamic circuitry underlying stress-induced insomnia and peripheral immunosuppression. bioRxiv, pp 1-28, *Co-corresponding
Li P., Li S.B., Wang X., Phillips C.D., Schwarz L.A., Luo L., de Lecea L., and Krasnow M.A. (2020) Brain circuit of claustrophobia-like behavior in mice identified by upstream tracing of sighing. Cell reports 31, 107779, pp 1-11
Li S.B.*, and de Lecea L.*. (2020) The hypocretin (orexin) system: from a neural circuitry perspective. Neuropharmacology 167, 107993, pp 1-14, *Co-corresponding
Yamaguchi H., Hopf W., Li S.B., and de Lecea L. (2018) In vivo cell type-specific CRISPR knockdown of dopamine beta-hydroxylase reduces locus coeruleus evoked wakefulness. Nature Communications 9:5211, pp 1-8.
Giardino W.J., Eban-Rothschild A., Christoffel D.J., Li S.B., Malenka R.C., and de Lecea L. (2018) Parallel circuits from the bed nuclei of stria terminalis to the lateral hypothalamus drive opposing emotional states. Nature Neuroscience 21, pp 1084-1095
Li, S.B., Névarez, N., Giardino, W.J., and de Lecea, L. (2018) Optical Probing of Orexin/Hypocretin Receptor Antagonists. Sleep, 41:10, pp 1-13, Selected as EDITOR’S CHOICE
Li S.B., Giardino W.J., de Lecea L. (2017) Hypocretins and arousal. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, pp 93-104.
Castellano J.M., Palner M., Li S.B., Freeman G.M. Jr, Nguyen A., Shen B., Stan T., Mosher K.I., Chin F.T., de Lecea L., Luo J., Wyss-Coray T. (2016) In vivo assessment of behavioral recovery and circulatory factor exchange in the peritoneal parabiosis model. Scientific Reports, 6:29015, pp 1-9
Li S.B., Jones J.R., de Lecea L. (2016) Hypocretins, Neural Systems, Physiology, and Psychiatric Disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports, 18:7, pp 1-12.
Li S.B., Du D., Hasan M.T., Köhr G. (2016) D4 Receptor Activation Differentially Modulates Hippocampal Basal and Apical Dendritic Synapses in Freely Moving Mice. Cerebral Cortex 26, pp 647-655
Trevino M., Oviedo T., Jendritza P., Li S.B., Köhr G. & De Marco R.J. (2013) Controlled variations in stimulus similarity during learning determine visual discrimination capacity in freely moving mice. Scientific Reports 3:1048, pp 1-13
Trevino M., Aguilar-Garnica E., Jendritza P., Li S.B., Oviedo T., Köhr G. & De Marco R.J. (2011) Discrimination learning with variable stimulus 'salience'. International archives of medicine 4:26, pp 1-4.
Li S.B., He Z., Guo L., Huang L., Wang J. & He W. (2010) Behavioral alterations associated with a down regulation of HCN1 mRNA in hippocampal cornus ammon 1 region and neocortex after chronic incomplete global cerebral ischemia in rats. Neuroscience 165, pp 654-661
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