Kaihua Zhang

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Kaihua Zhang Principal Investigator
Biomacromolecular structure and signal transduction and regulation of neuroinflammation
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地点 课题组网页链接 https://heyzhanglab.org/

Kaihua Zhang is a group leader of Institute for Translational Brain Research (ITBR), Fudan University and an affiliate professor of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University. He earned his Ph.D. in Pharmacology from the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2016. Following this, he completed his postdoctoral research with Yifan Cheng and David Julius at University of California, San Francisco. He has published numerous peer-reviewed papers as the first author or co-first author, including works in Cell, Nature (twice), and Nature Communications, as well as a book chapter released by CRC Press, an imprint of Taylor & Francis. These publications have collectively received over 3,000 citations, according to Google Scholar. His representative work has been listed as ESI highly cited papers and recommended by F1000 Prime. He appreciates support from the long-term fellowship funded by the International Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) organization, National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee grants, and the UCAS-BHP Billiton Scholarship. He has been qualified to attend the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, awarded the Special Prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences President Scholarship, and elected to high-quality professionals etc. Currently, He and his lab devote to studying biomacromolecular structure and signal transduction and neuroinflammation regulation.

Inflammation plays an important role in body defense against pathogen invasion and tissue injury, and is closely linked to serious diseases. For example, neuroinflammation is reportedly involved in nearly all neurodegenerative diseases. Our group focuses on comprehending the molecular modulation of inflammation-associated signaling pathwaysparticularly mediated by transmembrane proteins. We aim to trace the dynamic conformational change of signal transducers by exploiting the biophysical approaches, untangle its relationship with the function of protein machinery in combination with complementary techniques provided by biochemistry and neuroscience. Subsequently, a major goal of ours is to determine the mechanisms of the signal propagation by vital receptors across the cell membrane and its involvement in neuroimmune crosstalk and neuroinflammation, and make contributions to structure-based drug design for specific targets.

Address:  Floor 2, Building B, Medical Research Building, 131 Dong'an Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

Postcode:  200032

Telephone/Fax:  021-54237056

Email:  khzhang@fudan.edu.cn