我们生活在四维时空,大脑对物理世界时间、空间信息的感知是我们生存的必要条件。过去几十年的研究让我们对大脑如何编码和利用空间信息有了较深入的了解, 而我们对时间认知常常认为理所当然,知之甚少。事实上,感知时间并能据此做出适时的行为是大脑最基本的认知功能之。我们需要感知和利用时间信息以完成各种日常任务,比如准确判断某事件发生以来的时间,预期网球到来的时刻并做出有效的击球反应,以及音乐演奏中节奏的准确控制等。因此我们实验室的研究方向之一是探究大脑感知、编码及利用时间信息的神经及计算机制。
1) 时间及空间信息在神经网络中的表征、存储及解码的神经及计算机制。
2) 感觉运动行为及工作记忆实现时空变换及时空变换不变性的机制。
3) 神经群体活动的数学结构及其网络连接基础。
S. Zhou#, D.V. Buonomano (2024), Unified control of temporal and spatial scales of sensorimotor behavior through neuromodulation of short-term synaptic plasticity, Science Advances, 10(18), (#Corresponding author)
S. Zhou*, M. Seay*, J. Taxidis, P. Golshani, D.V. Buonomano (2023), Multiplexing working memory and time in the trajectories of neural networks, Nature Human Behaviour, 2023 (*first author)
S. Zhou#, S.C. Masmanidis, D.V. Buonomano# (2022), Encoding time in neural dynamic regimes with distinct computational tradeoffs, Plos Computational Biology, 18 (3), e1009271 (#corresponding author)
S. Zhou, D.V. Buonomano (2022), Neural population clocks: Encoding time in dynamic patterns of neural activity, Behavioral Neuroscience
S. Zhou, S.C. Masmanidis, D.V. Buonomano (2020), Neural sequences as an optimal dynamical regime for the readout of time. Neuron, 108, 1–8,
S. Zhou, Y. Yu (2018), Synaptic E-I balance underlying efficient coding. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 46
S. Zhou, M. Migliore, and Y. Yu (2016), Odor Experience Facilitates Sparse Representations of New Odors in a Large-Scale Olfactory Bulb Model. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 10, 10
S. Zhou#, H.Y. Chu, G.Z. Jin, J.M. Cui, X.C. Zhen# (2014). Effects of SKF83959 on the excitability of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons: a modeling study. Acta Pharmacologia Sinica, 35(6):738-751 (#corresponding author) .
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