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Hui Yang 青年研究员


2008年毕业于华中科技大学国家生命科学基地班获得学士学位,2013年毕业于复旦大学生物医学研究院获得博士学位,吴瑞奖学金获得者,论文入选上海市优秀博士生论文,2014年进入美国德州大学西南医学中心分子生物学系/HHMI实验室从事天然免疫的调控与功能研究。2019年加入复旦大学附属华山医院,2020年双聘加入复旦大学脑科学转化研究院,主要研究方向为脑疾病的免疫和代谢调控研究。研究成果以通讯作者和第一作者(含并列)在Nature、Cancer Cell(封面)、PNAS、Cell Research、EMBO Journal、Oncogene等学术期刊上发表重要研究论文9篇,其中5篇论文被ESI评为高引用文章(Top 1%),多次被Nature, Cell,Nature reviews Cancer和Nature Immunology点评以及被Faculty 1000收录和推荐,总被引用超过3000次。


Bo Li, Principal Investigator

Li Lab is dedicated to the development of new optical imaging technologies, and applies them to neuroscience research in model animals such as mice, fish, and macaques etc. For example, three-photon microscopes can achieve hippocampal imaging of living mice (Nature Methods 2017), through-skull imaging (Nature Methods 2018) and whole brain imaging of adult zebrafish (Nature Methods 2020), our recently developed adaptive femtosecond light source can increase the performance by 30 times (Nature Methods 2020).

The research of Li Lab is supported by sufficient funding, including the Bernard J. Couillaud Prize funded by The Optical Society and Coherent Inc., the "Exploring Outstanding Youth" (research leader) funded by the Shanghai Brain Science and Brain Research Center, and the Everest talent introduction plan and talent cultivation plan funded by the Frontier Science Center of Brain Science, etc. We warmly welcome aspiring young people with scientific enthusiasm to join us!Our lab recruits postdoctoral fellows, assistant researchers, Ph.D. students, M.S. students and undergraduates all year round.

Li Bo has published nearly 30 papers in important academic journals, including 18 first and corresponding authors, including Nature Methods, Optics Express, etc. He has given invited talks at many international conferences. He served as invited reviewer of more than 20 academic journals including Nature Methods, Nature Communications, etc. and the guest editor of journal Photonics.



